PHOGS! is still under construction

Jun 3, 2020

PHOGS! is still under construction

Coatsink and Bit Loom Studios are sad to announce the release of PHOGS! has been delayed. Although we are all working as hard as possible from home, due to the ongoing pandemic, the large challenges we’ve come up against have prevented us from releasing PHOGS! in our anticipated June launch window.

We understand the frustration this may cause but we strongly believe that a game should be released when it’s ready to give our community the best possible experience.

This delay will give our teams the extra time needed to make sure Red and Blue are looking their best when they meet you later this year! 

PHOGS! is under construction

Play our free PHOGS! demo

We also have some good news for you! PHOGS! is included in the Steam Game Festival. From June 16 to 21, you can play our all-worlds demo completely free! Click the button below to download and play.

Ray Willmott

Ray looks after Moonglow Bay, REPLACED and #Coatsink10 ! He adores a good curry, loves RPGs, and has worked across a number of globally recognised franchises

Chip Character Small


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