Coatsink is going to PAX East and EGX Rezzed 2019

Mar 25, 2019

It’s already late March which means that PAX East as well as EGX Rezzed is just around the corner. Good news is that we’re attending both events. Whether you’re located in America or Europe, you’ll get the first chance to play our games.

PAX East is only a couple of days away from now. It’s also going to be the first event we’re attending this year.

To make sure that you’ll find our booths, we attached the floor plan of each event below.  We’ll be located in the upper right corner of the expo hall at PAX. Our booth number is 20025.

If you’re going to EGX Rezzed, you’ll find us on the right-hand side of the entrance on the ground floor.

PHOGS! at PAX East

We’ll bring our show favourite PHOGS! to PAX East. As you might remember, we already went to PAX East last year. This time, however, we’re bringing a brand-new demo for PHOGS. Navigate our duo of gelatinous dogs through the Dream World, find secrets, solve puzzles and most importantly help them being good phoggos!

PHOGS! and a new Coatsink Publishing title at EGX Rezzed

In addition to the new 2019 demo of PHOGS, we’re also really excited to show you our new publishing title for the first time on a Coatsink stand! Stay tuned to our social media channels to be the first to know when we announce the game on April 3rd.

We hope to see you there!

Ray Willmott

Ray looks after Moonglow Bay, REPLACED and #Coatsink10 ! He adores a good curry, loves RPGs, and has worked across a number of globally recognised franchises

Chip Character Small


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