Frequently Asked Questions on Shadow Point

Apr 10, 2019

New games always raise a great number of questions – in this blog post we take the best questions from our AMA and expand upon the answers. But before all that – check out the trailer below!

Was the narration especially Sir Patrick Stewart’s involvement a consideration from the very start of the project?

Pretty much! We always wanted him for the game but for a large amount of the game’s development, we assumed that it would be impossible to get him. We had some alternatives but Patrick was always our “Number One”.

What was it like working with Sir Patrick Stewart? Was the narrative finalized before he did voice recordings, or did you have to do any edits later? Did he have any input on the narrative?

Sir Patrick was an absolute gentleman! He came well prepared for his reading and gave the lines a sense of “life” that even we weren’t expecting.

We had as much of the text finalized as we could, but there’s always inevitably something that needs changing just before release. Fortunately, we’ve learned to plan for such an inevitability, so we also recorded a lot of extra/alternative lines with him just in case.

He didn’t really have direct input in the overall narrative, but he certainly brought his own character to the words, bringing them to life.

If I buy Shadow Point on Oculus Quest, will I also be able to play it on Oculus Rift?

We’re happy to confirm that Shadow Point will be a cross-buy title meaning regardless of whether you buy it for Rift or Quest – you will have access to it on both platforms.

What do you think about the experience of working on the Quest? What were some of the challenges you faced in porting the game?

Shadow Point has always been designed primarily for Quest. The mobile chipset certainly gave us strict limitations to work within (especially with the game featuring expensive effects like portals) but the full 6 degrees of wireless freedom allowed us to push our creativity further than we ever have before.

When it comes to porting the game to Rift, the Quest is brighter, so the color hues are a lot stronger. Balancing between the Quest and Rift to get the colors to look just as beautiful in both has been quite a challenge.

How did you determine which elements and mechanics to use for the puzzles in the game?

We prototyped lots of different mechanics for the game. A lot of the ones that ended up making it to the full game went through a lot of iteration. Some of the mechanics we scrapped were either too expensive to work, were too hard to teach to players or just didn’t have enough puzzle depth to explore, and some just simply didn’t work or would break other parts of the game. In the end, we made sure the game only had the best and strongest features.

How long is Shadow Point?

It’s around 5 to 6 hours of gameplay and a little longer if you want to 100% complete the game.

How many puzzles does Shadow Point have?

There are more than 80 puzzles in Shadow Point, but the time it may take to solve each one will vary between puzzle and player to player. There are also 8 chapters along the ‘critical path,’ with a variety of locations to explore. 

Will there be subtitles available? Will localisation be available at launch?

Yes there will be subtitles throughout. We are localizing the game and we hope to have this ready for the launch version of the game. If it is not quite ready in time, we will provide it in a patch soon after once we’re confident of giving our Spanish (and players of other supported langauges) the best experience.

Ray Willmott

Ray looks after Moonglow Bay, REPLACED and #Coatsink10 ! He adores a good curry, loves RPGs, and has worked across a number of globally recognised franchises

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