Coatsink Event Collation 2019
Convention Season is finally coming to an end, so check out everything the Coatsink Event Team’s been up to in 2019!
It’s been a crazy 2019 for the event team here at Coatsink. With the announcement of PHOGS! for Nintendo Switch, Xbox and PC, and the development of Cake Bash coming along sweetly, our mission was to get both amazing games in front of as many eyeballs around the world as possible. And the response was fantastic! So here’s our breakdown of the year…
Off to America!

When? March
Where? Boston, MA, USA
We kicked things off with PAX East in Boston, MA. And I was crazy excited! This was my first time ever attending PAX.
At PAX, we built an archway which drew a load of attention. You could see PHOGS! from every corner of the convention hall. We fully dedicated this year’s booth to our physics-based co-op puzzler and brought a brand-new demo for everyone to check out.

But that wasn’t all! The release of the Oculus Quest was drawing closer and, along with it… Shadow Point. We took the opportunity to invite some of our VR content creator friends to our Airbnb where we threw an impromptu party. We had drinks, pizza, doughnuts and most importantly, Quests and Shadow Point. It was a great evening!
Back to Europe!

When? April
Where? London, UK
Right after PAX East, we flew straight back to London for EGX Rezzed — a brilliant show for any indie game fan. We were located right by the main entrance where we shared a room with our good friends from Double Fine.
Importantly, this was the first time we showcasing Cake Bash at a show — our manic four-player cake fighter — and it was great to see how much fun everyone was having with our combative confectionary.

When? April
Where? Berlin, Germany
In April we also attended TwitchCon’s first ever show overseas, which was a great opportunity for us to meet content creators and influencers from across Europe. Our PHOGS! couldn’t resist the chance for a snap!

Off to Japan!

When? June
Where? Kyoto, Japan
After the success of Tokyo Game Show and BitSummit last year, we couldn’t wait to go back! At this point, we had already attended a bunch of shows in North America and Europe but this would be our first in Asia. BitSummit in Kyoto was the second big outing for PHOGS! and the first time showcasing Cake Bash in Japan.
As you can see, our booth wasn’t hard to miss! And the Japanese community adored both games… the word kawaii (Japanese for cute) was thrown around a lot!

And there is more to come…

When? August
Where? Cologne, Germany
In August, we headed back to Germany for the largest games show in Europe — Gamescom! — this year as part of Nintendo Indie World. During the show, PHOGS! was featured in the Indie World showcase by Nintendo and it was amazing to see the excitement (fully visible on everyone’s face) when PHOGS! was officially announced for the Nintendo Switch.

When? August
Where? Seattle, WA, USA
The day after we came back from Gamescom, we flew straight out again, this time to Seattle and PAX West (yeah, it was a busy couple of weeks!) where we’d bagged a spot at Indie Mega Booth.

When? October
Where? London, UK
Last but definitely not least: EGX in London. This was a special occasion as Sublevel Zero released on the Nintendo Switch on day one of the show, which we were thrilled to showcase alongside Cake Bash and PHOGS!
The EGX booth was comfortably the most hilarious display Jack had ever built as we attempted to recreate Cake Bash’s beach arena, complete with deck chairs, windbreakers and a paddling pool…

The year drew to a close with our final event in November, when our Events Manager Jack shimmied down to London to showcase PHOGS! at X019 to be featured on the Inside Xbox live stream where we were thrilled to announce our double-ended dogs were coming to Xbox Game Pass in 2020.
Whew. So that was 2019. Now it’s all over, we can finally put up our feet and chill… for a few days, at least, before we start planning it all again for next year.
And we can’t wait to see you there!

Ray looks after Moonglow Bay, REPLACED and #Coatsink10 ! He adores a good curry, loves RPGs, and has worked across a number of globally recognised franchises
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