Get Packed AVAILABLE NOW on Stadia
It’s time to Get Packed!
Moonshine Games and Coatsink are pleased to announce that Get Packed was released on April 28th 2020 as part of the Stadia Connect.
Get Packed was first announced at the 2019 E3 Stadia Connect and has been a highly anticipated title in the Stadia community ever since.
Get Packed can be purchased and played immeadiately on Stadia store priced at $19.99, £19.99 & €19.99.
What is Get Packed?
In Get Packed, you play as the employees of a calamitous removals company party game for 1 to four players. Set in the fictional town of Ditchlington, your ragtag removals team gets to work rapidly relocating the entire town…leaving a trail of destruction, explosions, and furniture fragments in your wake!

Ray looks after Moonglow Bay, REPLACED and #Coatsink10 ! He adores a good curry, loves RPGs, and has worked across a number of globally recognised franchises
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