Shadow Point 1.1 Patch Notes
We’ve added full subtitles and voice-over cast for the following languages
- French
- German
- Japanese
- Korean
- Latin American Spanish
Sorry, Sir Patrick Stewart is only available in English
Puzzle Optimizations
- The Huntress – Fixed exploit where saving and loading into Gardens allowed the player to enter the Trophy Room without completing any puzzles.
- The Huntress – Fixed the dragon statue in gardens not snapping to the correct position when moved.
- The Astrolabe – Fixed the sextant not passing through mirror if it hits the compass, causing the next puzzle light to not turn on.
- The Anchor – Fixed an issue where items could be thrown behind an object dead zone and could not be retrieved again.
- The Eyeglass – Fixed an issue that occurred if the user placed the sun/moon object in the portal that would cause the object to not load in the scene when the player entered the chapter a second time.
- The Eyeglass – Fixed an issue where the camera would fall to the incorrect floor of the Observatory and could cause the eyeglass to be non-interactable.
- Super Secret Puzzles – Fixed crystals not reacting when multiple light cones are shone on them.
- Super Secret Puzzles – Fixed puzzles saving when they shouldn’t.
- The Vault – Fixed error that could occur when transferring from the Vault back to Shadow Point that would cause an indefinite white screen.
- Fixed issue where saving and loading after solving the final puzzle of the game, but before entering the portal, causes the user to be trapped on the island.
- Fixed issue where reloading the game during the final cutscene caused the user to never be taken to the final Observatory.
- Fixed issue where super secret puzzles did not reset after chapter completion.
Miscellaneous Fixes
- Minor culling bugs in Shadow Point Observatory fixed.
- FMOD logo added to the Splash Screens.
- Credits updated.
- Optimizations added to improve frame rate throughout the game. Especially when looking through and entering portals.
- Fixed incorrect behavior that occurred when selecting the Main Menu, and then canceling in the Pause Menu, when in the cable car. The book would move further away from the player each time this was done.
- The user should no longer be able to dismiss the Main Menu or teleport in the Main Menu when returning to it.
- The user is now able to reset chapters at any time after completing the first chapter, The Crown.
- Fixed indefinite loading screen caused by placing batteries into the controllers while the disconnected controller error message was on the screen.
We hope all players enjoy these improvements, fixes, and additions. Be sure to join our Discord community to connect with us.
Shadow Point is a cross-buy title on Quest and the Rift Platform

Sarah W - Junior Producer
Sarah is a junior producer who joined Coatsink in 2017. Previously, she was a QA tester and was Lead QA on Shadow Point and They Suspect Nothing.
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