An Update on PHOGS! and the Magic Box Issue

Mar 15, 2021

Hi Fwends!

It’s hard to believe PHOGS has been out for three months now. We were delighted to release the game on Xbox One, PlayStation 4, PC, Stadia and Switch back in December and we’ve been blown away by the reception ever since. Please do keep sharing your experiences with us, we love hearing from you.

We also want to take a moment to say thank you for all your PHOGS fan art! We run a weekly spotlight on the PHOGS social channels, so if you’ve got some cool illustrations or craftwork to show us, just tag it with #PHOGSFanArt 

Unfortunately, we’ve also been made aware that some of you are experiencing issues with the game. One, in particular, is ‘The Magic Box’ Issue.

From what we understand, some players are reporting that the Magic Box puzzle pieces needed to progress either completely disappear after a short time on screen or don’t appear at all. For those affected, we want to apologise and completely understand that it is incredibly frustrating as you just want to play the game. Rest assured, we are listening and have been compiling all your reports and feedback.

However, we also want to be completely transparent with you and say that, despite our best efforts, so far we’ve been unable to recreate the issue internally and therefore cannot compile a fix or patch.

We appreciate this is disappointing and isn’t the news you want to hear but we wanted to be open and honest about the situation and to keep you updated as best we can. We will, of course, continue to do all we can to help people having these (or similar) problems with PHOGS.

The best thing to do is to continue to let us know about any issues (whether that’s related to the Magic Box or something else) you’re having with PHOGS via the form linked here.

You can also leave us feedback through our website or through our #Issues Channel on the Coatsink Discord. If you do, please try to answer as many of the below questions as possible as all information really helps us. 

  • What platform are you playing on? If you played on Switch, was it docked?
  • Did the issue occur during an online or offline session?
  • Did you play in co-op?
  • Have you unlocked levels previous to this one?
  • How many bones/boingles have you collected so far?
  • How many save data slots do currently have data present?
  • Any additional videos or images leading up to or immediately after the issue would be helpful

Thanks for all your support! We hope to see you again soon in the Phoggyverse!

If you have any other suggestions or feedback for PHOGS! please reach out to us via our social media channels below or message one of our CMs on our Discord server. We are always happy to help!

Ray Willmott

Ray looks after Moonglow Bay, REPLACED and #Coatsink10 ! He adores a good curry, loves RPGs, and has worked across a number of globally recognised franchises

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